Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Beautiful City of Coban

Coban is one of the many tourist destinations in Guatemala. There are beautiful forests that hold thousands of plant species. There are also many waterholes in the area incase you want to take a dip after a long day of exploring. Visiting this area is a great way to not only see the country itself but it is also    a way to experience the wild life that lives within the forests of Guatemala.

Food! Food! Food!

Chili renellos is a guatemalan dish. It consists of meat, rice, cheese, and veggies all stuffed into a chili pepper! Another Guatemalan dish is elotes,  its more of a snack but it is very common in Guatemala. An elote is a roasted ear of corn with butter, lime, cheese and chili powder pilled on top to create a delicious snack to go!

Famous Guatemalans

Ted Hendricks was born in Guatemala City, Guatemala. He was very talented in athletics during his young years and was professional football player who played for various teams in the NFL from the year 1969 to 1983.

Isaac Oscar is a Guatemalan American actor and singer. His most recent successes include this year's Inside Llewyn Davis and 2011's Sucker Punch.

Rigoberta Menchú Tum is a civil rights activist for her people, the Kiche people. She was born in Quiche, Guatemala. After the civil war of Guatemala she spent the rest of her life promoting the right of the native people of her country.

Guatemalan Expressions

  1. patoja- girl
  2. leng- cents
  3. calis- pretty 
  4. charmarra- bed sheets
  5. bien- yes
  6. begre- uncool
  7. cabal- right on 
  8. cinco- marble 
  9. seco- slim
  10. patojo- boy 

The country and people

Guatemala is a country located in Central America that lies in the UTC-06:00 time zone bordered by Mexico at the north, Belize at the northeast, Honduras and El Salvador at the south, and the Pacific Ocean at the west. The country has a few regions with different climates but it has an overall tropical climate. The country has a population of 14,373,472 people. Guatemala is a constitutional republic and is ran by Otto Perez Molina. In Guatemala the currency is call a quetzal, one US dollar equals about 7.94 quetzals.